Go's Options Pattern Magic: Make Your Code Fun, Flexible, and Fabulous!

Enhancing Configuration Flexibility with the Options Pattern

Go's Options Pattern Magic: Make Your Code Fun, Flexible, and Fabulous!

In Go, the options pattern is a powerful technique that allows you to create flexible, extensible, and easy-to-use APIs. By utilizing the options pattern, you may create custom configurations for your structures without adding complexity or exposing unnecessary details to the user. In this post, we will walk through a practical example that demonstrates the use of the options pattern in Go.

Let's say we are building a server package that allows the user to configure a few options, such as the server ID, maximum connections, and whether to use TLS encryption. We can use the options pattern to achieve this easily.

  1. Define the Options struct

    First, we define the Options struct that will hold our configuration values:

     type Options struct {
         ID      string
         MaxConn int64
         Tls     bool
  2. Create a Default Options function

    Next, we create a function that returns the default options for our server:

     func DefaultOpts() Options {
         return Options{
             ID:      "01",
             MaxConn: 10,
             Tls:     false,
  3. Now, we define option functions that allow the user to modify specific options. These functions will take a pointer to the Options struct and modify it:

     func WithTls(opts *Options) {
         opts.Tls = true
     func WithId(id string) OptFunc {
         return func(options *Options) {
             options.ID = id
     func WithMaxConn(mc int64) OptFunc {
         return func(options *Options) {
             options.MaxConn = mc
  4. Embed Options to Server structure

    The Server struct is the main structure representing our server instance. It embeds the Options struct, which contains the configuration details for the server. By embedding the Options struct, we can access the configuration fields directly through the Server struct.

     type Server struct {

    The Server struct doesn't have any other fields or methods in this example, but in a real-world application, you would typically include additional fields and methods related to the server's functionality.

  5. Implement the NewServer function

    When creating a new Server instance using the NewServer function, we start with the default options and apply any provided option functions to modify the configuration as needed.

     func NewServer(Opts ...OptFunc) *Server {
         opts := DefaultOpts()
         for _, fn := range Opts {
         return &Server{
             Options: opts,

    By using the options pattern in combination with the Server struct, we provide users with a flexible and extensible way to create and configure server instances. Users can easily choose which options they want to modify and leave the rest at their default values.

  6. Using the NewServer function

    Finally, we can use the NewServer function to create a server with custom options:

     func main() {
         s := NewServer(WithTls, WithId("02"), WithMaxConn(100))

That's it. Where is the full code? No worries, here we go!

package main

import "fmt"

type Options struct {
    ID      string
    MaxConn int64
    Tls     bool

type Server struct {

type OptFunc func(*Options)

func DefaultOpts() Options {
    return Options{
        ID:      "01",
        MaxConn: 10,
        Tls:     false,

func WithTls(opts *Options) {
    opts.Tls = true

func WithId(id string) OptFunc {
    return func(options *Options) {
        options.ID = id

func WithMaxConn(mc int64) OptFunc {
    return func(options *Options) {
        options.MaxConn = mc

func NewServer(Opts ...OptFunc) *Server {
    opts := DefaultOpts()

    for _, fn := range Opts {

    return &Server{
        Options: opts,

func main() {
    s := NewServer(WithTls, WithId("02"), WithMaxConn(100))


The options pattern in Go allows you to create flexible and extensible APIs by providing a clean and intuitive way to configure your structures. With this pattern, users can easily apply the desired configuration options without the need for complex function signatures or constructor overloading.

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